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I was standing outside of church one day talking to some folks.

We were considering places to go to eat, and someone recommended a place (I think) called "Super Greens"

As soon as I hopped in the car and opened Instagram, the first ad I saw was for "Super Greens."

Essentially three things happened:

  1. We were talking about it and
  2. They were listening and then
  3. The ad popped up

Something similar happens in many of the resurrection encounters - including Luke 24:36.

LUKE 24:36

Jesus has just finished appearing to two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus and sent them on to tell the others.

Shortly after, they arrive and begin talking about Jesus. The short version goes like this:

"36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"

Jesus tends to show up when people are talking about him.


It has been a significant practice of Christian faith to regularly practice talking about Jesus through:

  • The teaching of the word
  • The singing of the word
  • The discussion of the word
  • The praying of the word
  • Etc.

The church does all of this with the great hope, anticipation, and expectation that Jesus will appear "among them."

This is the primary driver.

Be encouraged in this season of resurrection that your Christian practices are not primarily about you or others - but primarily about Jesus being among us.

The fact that he is resurrected is the certainty we have that he is able to be among us.