Charades is one of the ultimate, goofy, group party games.
There is a version of charades as well (and this pops up in some variations of charades) in which speaking is not allowed.
The representative from the group is essentially mute.
This is what makes it difficult and tricky.
In fact, when things are on mute it can be a frustrating experience:
Speaking is one of the great gifts of humanity.
Paul recognizes this and actually says that the primary expression of the Spirit is speaking.
1 CORINTHIANS 12:2-3, 7-10
Paul builds his speaking argument in a variety of ways.
First, he tells the church they used to be foolish in following mute idols. (v.2)
Second, he tells the church know one can say "Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit." (v.3)
Third, he lists gifts of the Spirit, and the all relate to speaking.
In other words, Paul anticipate the primary expression of the Spirit to be in speaking.
I'm thankful for the "word-of-faith" tradition that I was able to dabble in for a season and run parallel to for even longer. This tradition becomes the brunt of jokes because of their "name-it-claim-it" posture, however, they do understand the importance of speaking.
Be encouraged this Pentecost season, the Holy Spirit primarily is not inviting you into a season of silence, introspection, and self-care, but instead into a season of speaking, encouraging, and proclaiming "Jesus is Lord" in all kinds of ways.
This is the primary expression of the Spirit - speaking.
Say more.